Are You High Risk Drivers? Purchase Auto Insurance at Assurance Auto Insurance

Assurance auto insurance – No one wants to get a car accident, but in very unfortunate times, someone can be involved in an accident more than once. This condition allows those people to be categorized as high risk drivers. It means, they need special auto insurance, and one of the companies providing them non-standard auto insurance is Assurance auto insurance, or officially called as Assurance America Corporation.

Are You High Risk Drivers? Purchase Auto Insurance at Assurance Auto Insurance
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About Assurance Automobile Insurance

This insurance company is a kind of retail insurance and wholesale offering people insurance coverage that are categorized as non-standard drivers. These drivers require a particular need of coverage, from that Assurance Insurance has come.

Just like previously mentioned, if you have involved in multiple car accidents, had DWI or DUIS and committed multiple traffic violations, you will be categorized as high-risk drivers. Assurance Insurance is all what you need.

If you are living in either South Caroline, Georgia, Florida, Indiana, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama, then don’t’ worry since Assurance America offers its wholesales products in those states. The retails services of Assurance auto insurance is provided in Florida, Alabama and Georgia.

The Agencies

Unlike common auto insurance companies that you can find in your city, you cannot find Assurance America offices in those states. It is because it prefers not giving services directly, but through local agencies.

In this way, the company has chosen some group of agencies to work with the corporate to represent the company as well as its products.

The agencies are independent. They work under for the corporate only to provide the products. There are more than 2,500 local agencies in the United States to ease you when you are dealing with your auto insurance.

In many ways, the existence of Assurance auto insurance local agencies gives some benefits to customers especially if they are first time buyers. The agencies have been provided with vast knowledge of auto insurance of the corporate, so that they can be called as experts.

Whatever problems you have regarding with auto insurance, the agents will gladly help you in getting your best rate and coverage.

Giving information you need is their primary jobs. Moreover, these local agents are going to help the customers in getting the paper work ready when you cannot perform this process. The agents are also capable of preparing all the required documents. Once you are ready, you will be able to conduct transaction with Assurance auto insurance easily.


When it comes to having claims, you can call your local agents. However, when the local agents are not available at the time, you can call through the number given on the website with free of charge. If you prefer contacting your local agents first, the customer services there wll give you some help to get you back on the road as fast as possible.

When you make your claims, you need to be cooperative in the investigation. It usually involves polices. This is the key for looking into the car accident on who is at the real fault and whose auto insurance pay the claims.

Once you purchase the Assurance auto insurance policy, before you can make your claims, you are required to pay your premiums on time. If you have been a member of Assurance America for a long period of time, the company possibly reduces your premiums.

To begin, you can get quotes from your local agents or the websites. If you think you are interested in the products, you can come or contact one of its local agents to help you dealing with that.

The local agents of Assurance auto insurance have been given 100% access of giving services and product of the company.  Once you can purchase it, you can have a safe driving on the road of your state you are living.