There are a number of car insurance discounts that you can avail of. Many a times, your car insurance agent can also tell you about the same. Read on about the various car insurance discounts that you can take.
Multi vehicle or Multi driver discount
It means that you can get a discount if you insure more than one car or insure more than one driver with the same car insurance company.

Safe driver discounts
Of course been a safe driver pays. You can get huge discounts if you haven’t had any claims, parking tickets or accidents for the past 3 – 5 years or more. The car insurance company will check out your driving record to know if you are a safe driver or not.
Safety features
If you have safety features in your car such as airbags and automatic seat belts, then you can also get discounts from the car insurance companies.
Many of these features are present in the new cars. Pretty soon, they may become mandatory in most cars and this will see the prices coming down for a number of other cars.
If you also have anti theft features installed in your car, it can get the premiums and the quotes for your car insurance down. Some of the anti theft features include car alarms, Fuel and ignition cutoff, Lock jacks etc.
These discounts may be limited in some states
If you are applying for your first car insurance or as a driver in the existing policy, you or your parents can get discounts if you have a good student’s record. This means that you should have grades higher than B to avail of these discounts.
Women drivers in their 20’s and 30’s are charged lower premiums than men drivers. In fact men drivers under 25 years of age are charged one of the highest premiums. More so if they have the latest SUV’s.
Some professions get more discounts as compared to others
If you are in active military service, you may get as much as 30% discount on your car insurance premiums.
There are discounts available also if they go for foreign assignments abroad. It’s important to check with your insurance agent for the specific discounts that you are eligible for.
If you are a teacher, college professor, engineer or a scientist, then you are less likely to make a claim, according to some companies and for this purpose are given discounts.