Auto Repair Insurance Companies – You probably will not believe that auto repair insurance companies are able to cheat you. They have deal with auto body shop in order to downplay the claims. The purpose is to make repair cost low. It can happen to you as well and indeed you don’t want to get this bad service, do you?
Therefore, you should make sure that you get trusted auto shop and the auto insurance company fits to the body shop. In addition, it should be fit to you as well. You are not cheated by both of them (insurance company and body shop). How can make it happen? These following tricks can be applied.
1, Go to More Than Two Body Shops and Make Estimation
Actually, it is not something new. Possibly, you as policyholder have done this trick. However, one thing that you should do is make comparison in more than two body shops. Don’t only compare between two body shops. By involving only two shops, you cannot get correct estimation related to repair cost.
Therefore, don’t be in hurry to make decision. Try to spare your time for example two or three days to make comparison between more than two different body shops. Now, your time will be more effective since you can contact or visit body shop’s official website. It only requires little time.
2, Better to Choose Shop Based on Your Car’s Brand
Where do you need to go when you like to enjoy Chinese foods? Of course you need to go to Chinese town. Possibly, people not from China can cook Chinese food. But the taste must be different.
This law is also applied when you want to choose body shop. Instead of letting auto repair insurance companies choose for you, it would be better that you pick for them. In addition, make sure that the body shop specializing on your car’s brand.
Indeed, you might have a friend who has garage or body shop. However, spare part of certain car’s brand is different with the others. You can ask for help to your fried about most recommended body shop, instead.
3, Make A Short Research
How do you know the estimation of total repair cost? Probably you can get that kind of information from auto shop pointed by the auto insurance company. You don’t have to take for granted.
It is quite possible that both auto shop and auto insurance company have talked in advance before meeting you and they decide cost lower than actual cost for reparation.
It is also quite possible that they will use non-standard spare part to replace broken spare part in your car. Of course, you don’t want to be like that, do you?
In this case, you can try to search for the cost of spare part, fee for reparation, and also time required repairing your car. That information should be obtained in advance, mostly important about long period of time for reparation. The body shop should be able to determine how long time they need to repair your broken car.
Those are some easy tips and tricks that you can apply in order that the auto insurance company and body shop don’t cheat you. As the customers, you have to be smart.
It doesn’t mean that you have prejudice to the company. However, it is fair enough for you to know the best service as customers. The body shop should fit for you and auto repair insurance companies as well.