Largest auto insurance companies – Purchasing auto insurance is not a simple task but not difficult either. It is all because there are a lot of insurance companies spread out in all cities in US. To decide which company is the best, some references are needed to make sure that we make the right choice. Among the available companies, hereby largest auto insurance companies in the US are listed below. It is just a brief review. Further reading can be needed to make sure that these insurance companies are really the best.

MetLife Insurance
Traced back to the history, MetLife insurance has been giving services to the customers since 150 years ago. Also called Metropolitan Life, this company is included the biggest provider in the US.
For the time being, it has got subsidiaries in some other countries such as Australia and Japan. MetLife deserves to be called as a trustworthy company due to the social responsibility that is consistently portrayed for all along.
To be included into one of the largest auto insurance companies, MetLife also provides health and life insurance. Available in online services, MetLife has agents can be found in most all cities. Discounts are provided for employees through the group employment policies.
Progressive Auto Insurance
With its experience for more than 70 years, Progressive auto insurance is one of the largest. It has official website that is available 24 hours for claims and services to all customers. In 2008, this company is included into positive online customer experiences at the first place. With its good customer service, it can be called as the choice.
This insurance company not only provides auto insurance, but also life, health and industry insurance. That is why it is included into one of the largest auto insurance companies. It is well-know of its astute marketing and extended networks. Now, Allianz can be found in 70 countries with around 180,000 employees. Its large number of the employees and vast network make Allianz has a good reputation.
State Farm Insurance
This company is not only large and reputed, but also popular in the US. Since its first establishment in 2003, the company has gained revenues around $56 billion. It is based in Bloomington, Illinois. Now, State Farm has branches throughout the nations and offers attractive discounts to the customers in several different categories.
American Family Insurance
Just like the previous insurance companies, there is American Family Insurance. This company specifically gives services to farmers and ranchers. However, now, it has been trying to extend its policies to other fields.
Allstate Insurance
The one who established this company is Sears Roebuck Corporation that makes Allstate insurance becomes one of the largest auto insurance companies in the world. Allstate has around 17 million clients that are distributed between investment product policy holders and automobile policy holders.
All along, Allstate is widely known as a company with high attention to customer services and care with high principles and integrity. That’s the primary reason for Allstate keeps growing from time to time.
The customer service is excellent and the network is massive throughout the country. It is proven that Allstate has 15,000 distributors of the policies of the company.
Nationwide Auto Insurance
When talking about the largest companies, Nationwide Auto Insurance is included in it. This company currently has more than $161 billion in assets. Fortune listed down insurance companies in the world, and Nationwide is put at the 108 rank among 500 lists of insurance companies.
Claiming online is easy since it provides online insurance claims. Customers are also provided with a toll free number available 24 hours.
Those are some largest auto insurance companies you can take into consideration when trying to buy insurance policies. In case you are interested in one of those companies, read more sources to make sure that you make the best decision in the end.