You may find it restricting to work in auto repair shop but you feel that you are good at this. If it so, why don’t you start your own business now? However, starting a business is not an easy task especially in auto repair. There is variety of auto repair shop equipment list that you must own.
The following list is the standard equipment for an auto repair shop. Some tips and suggestions are included into the article to help you get deeper understanding.

Hoists are expensive, but you have a choice to purchase the cheap one. But, you are highly suggested not to get that cheap hoist although the supplier says the opposite. Indeed, cheap hoists are dangerous. You may need at least two years to get them the first repair, but when it comes to replacing the parts, you will find it difficult.
Standard hoist has to be clear floor design or clear span. It means that no tool or part that connects its two sides of the hoists altogether on the floor.
Basic Tools
There is more auto repair shop equipment list that is included into the basic tools. These consist of hand tools, like bearing pullers, circlip pliers, ring and also open end spanners.
What mechanic needs may be different depending on the ongoing task, but each one will need a complete set. Outside and inside circlip pliers in full set will be required as well.
Basic tools for mechanics also include rolling oil pans, air guns and lines, mechanic lamps and so forth. One hoist will required one set of this. Ensure that you purchase high quality tools.
General Workshop Machinery
There are a lot of tools of general workshop machinery that is included into auto repair shop equipment list. One of the most required tools is tire changer that consists of tire changer gauge and accessories.
Besides, the tools also include tire level protector and air pressure regulator. Wheel balancer will also be essential especially wheel weight pliers and wheel balancer accessories.
Some other tools will include pedestal drill (that will be incredibly useful for your auto repair shop), wheel aligners and engine analyzer. It will be a lot better to choose five-gas suitcase type.
Specialty Equipment
There will be a time for your technicians to use specialty auto shop equipment list. Now, it is your task to prepare these tools such as brake drum handler, body repair kit, pulling ram kit, pipe bender, and sand blasting cabinet, body straightening kit, spring compressor, and so forth. There are a lot of tools to prepare.
More than that, general hand tools have to be in your auto shop. These will include measuring tools (calipers) such as dial gauge, micrometer, tap and die set and tachometer. Specialty hand tools will also be needed such as multi-meter, battery, tester, test light.
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Other Equipment
Your customers have various types of vehicles, especially cars. That is why your auto repair shop equipment list has to be complete.
When you are working on modern cars, for instance, you will need other equipments such as five gas analyzer and good scanner, together with a lot of wiring harnesses interface cables.
It is impossible to mention one by one all equipments with specific requirement that you need for your auto shop. You will have to browse more on internet for detail equipment. What clear on this is that all equipments that have good quality is not cheap.
However, for good investment, price has to be put aside. We need auto repair shop equipment list that can help your mechanics to work on your customers’ vehicles with excellent result.